Vivekananda Law College, Puttur, Dakshina Kannada


B.A.,L.L.B (5 Years) Integrated degree course in law

I Semester

1 General English
2 Major 1: Pol. Sc. (Theory & thoughts)
3 Minor I-1: Sociology (Invitation to Sociology)
4 Minor II-1: Economics (Principles of Economics)
5 Legal Methods

II Semester

1 Kannada/Kannada Kali (Appendix VIII/VIII A   )
2 Major 2: Pol. Sc. (Organisation& Institutions)
3 Minor I-2: Sociology (Indian Society – Continuity &change)
4 Minor II-2: Economics (Money, Banking & International trade)
5 Law of torts

Note: Kannada – is compulsory for those who have studied‘Kannada’ at SSLC

Kannada Kali – is compulsory for those who have not studied ‘Kannada’ at SSLC

III Semester

1 Major 3: Pol. Sc. (State & Political obligations)
2 Major 4: Pol. Sc. (Major world governments)
3 Minor I-3: Sociology (Recent theoretical perspectives in Sociology)
4 Minor II-3:  Economics (Economic theory & public Finance)
5 Constitutional Law I (Appendix IX)

IV Semester

1 Major 5: Pol. Sc. (Public Administration)
2 Major 6: Pol. Sc. (International relations &organisation)
3 Constitutional Law II (Appendix X)
4 Law of crimes I (Indian Penal Code)
5 Contract I (Law of general Contract)

V Semester

1 Labour Law I (Appendix XI)
2 Jurisprudence
3 Family Law I
4 Contract II (Specific Contracts)
5 Administrative Law

VI Semester

1 Labour Law II (Appendix XII)
2 Company law
3 Property law
4 Family Law II

VII Semester

1 Public International Law
2 Law of taxation
3 Criminal Law II: Criminal Procedure Code
4 CC I: Professional Ethics and Professional Accounting System

VIII Semester

1 Law of evidence
2 Human Rights Law and Practice
3 Banking Law
4 CC II: Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems

IX Semester

1 Civil Procedure Code & Limitation act
2 Intellectual Property Rights I
3 Interpretation of Statutes and Principles of Legislation
4 CC III: Drafting, Pleading and Conveyance

X Semester

1 Environmental Law
2 Intellectual Property Rights II
3 Land Law
4 CC IV: Moot Court Exercise& Internship

The Course & Duration 

• B.A LL.B integrated double degree course combines bachelors degree course in Arts together with the bachelors degree course in law.
• The duration of the B.A LL.B course shall be five academic years consisting of ten semesters.

Internship and Practical Training

Practical Training (Vth Year LL.B & III LL.B. (3 Yrs.)

Court Visits and Chamber Visits 

As a necessary part of Practical Training, every student is required to work under a practicing Lawyer and to visit courts throughout the Academic year In the beginning of the year each student is allotted to a Lawyer’s chamber. He is expected to take the consent of the concerned Lawyer, the consent letter should be submitted to the college before he begins attending the chamber. The student is expected to make proper entries regarding his work in the office, in his chamber Diary, signed by the concerned lawyer which shall be verified by the Lecturer.

Students will be divided into different groups. Each group will have to attend the courts on days specified in a week. Their presence throughout the day will be insisted. They are expected to maintain a Court Diary which should reflect their observations and attempt made by the students to follow certain specific cases. Their work will be supervised by the concerned ‘ Advocate and the Lecturers in charge.

Apart from this the students are expected to follow three different cases which are at three different stages like a) from presentation of plaint till issues b) from issues to trail and c) from trial to Judgment. If it is a criminal case a) from appearence(F.I.R) to trial and h) trial to judgment. All the materials relating to these different stages must be collected and maintained in three independent files. The case must be followed until the end of the Academic year or till the case ends, whichever is earlier.

Apart from necessary entries in the files the students should write relevant sections on the left hand page. The case files must be maintained as per the format given in Appendix- I, students must be regular to courts, and also to chamber and also argument diary.

Every student is expected to maintain a movement Diary, recording the timing of his presence in college courts and Lawyers chamber.

Mock Trial 

The students will be divided into groups. Each group should present a Mock Trial which is a replica of the entire proceedings in a court of Law. The participation in this forms is a part of Practical Training and Internal assessment.

Moot Court

Every student shall argue at least one case in the Moot court. Every case shall be presented by 2 students, one on each side. Each student shall be given 30 minutes to present his arguments. This performance will be examined by Board of Examiners consisting of teaching staff of the college and Advocates. Further each student will also sit as a judge. He has to submit the written Judgment within two days.

Students will be divided into various groups. A full time lecturer will be in charge of each group to supervise and verify the concerned students regarding the practical training at every stage. All the records will be submitted to the in charge lecturer once in a week. Every student shall keep a record in which a summary of all Moot courts conducted during the academic year shall be written by him and should be submitted regularly to the Lecturer in charge. The record shall be submitted to the Principal before First week of March through the concerned lecturer.

Participation in Legal Aid Clinic 

Students of the LL.B course may be associated with Legal Aid clinics. The college shall adopt a village for this purpose and allow the students to locate and study the problems. The clinical work also includes preparation of materials for legal literacy programme, Literacy campaigns and participation of students in legal aid camps . Every students shall maintain a diary of the work he has done in connection with the legal aid clinic, which shall be counter signed by the Lecturer in charge.

Writing Assignments 

Every student shall write at least 2 assignments in a year on topics like critical comments on  recent cases, study of proposed or existing legislation, exposition of legal concepts etc and record the Guest Lectures arranged by the college from time to time.


Assessment will be made jointly by the full time lecturers and the concerned Lawyer. The assessment will be done by a periodical Viva-Voce examination on the basis of the record of work prepared by the student.


Every student shall prepare a paper on a topic of his/her choice, which should be approved by the concerned lecturer and same will be presented before the audience on a specified day. The presentation and discussion shall not exceed 30 minutes.


Format of Case File to be maintained by the Students  

1.  Use full size exercise book, preferable ruled or tag file with ruled paper.

2.  The right hand page should be numbered.

3.  On all right hand pages, draw a vertical margin about two inches.

4.  On first page write the name of the court, the name of the case, statement of claim and other particulars, Write down the name of the Advocate appearing for the parties.


In the Court of Civil Judge, Mangalore.



X and others …………………   Plaintiffs


M and others ……………… Defendants

                                             Plaint presented on…………………………

Suit is     1) for possession of immovable properties described in Schedule . A

                2) For manse profits in respect of the said A schedule property.

Advocates for Plaintiffs:         1) Sri……………………

                                                     2) Sri……………………

Advocates for Defendants:    1) Sri…………………….

                                                    2) Sri…………………….

                                                    3) Sri…………………….

5. The back page must be left blank, Write only on one side of the paper, thus leaving the left hand side for comments and thoughts at a later stage and also sections of the Acts.

6.  Make an Index at page two. The Index will grow as the case proceeds. A record of everything that happens in the trial should be set out on page two.

Practical Training – Final Year LL.B.

Diaries to be Maintained 

  1. Court Diary (Printed book)
  2. Chamber Diary (200 page)
  3. Personal Diary / Movement Diary (100 page)
  4. Argument Diary (200 page)
  5. Conveyancing and Pleading (Long Book – Printed book)

Files to be Maintained 

No. of Files
1. 1. Stage case 3
2. 2.Mock Trial 3
a) Civil
b) Criminal
c) Consumer / Labour
3. Guest Lecture 1
4. Assignments 3
5. Professional Ethics (for the VI Sem. of 3 yrs. 2
& X Sem. of 5 yrs.)
6. All together to be tagged in a single open file at the end of the academic year and to be submitted during the Viva-Voce.

Note : The above all materials supplied by the College along with the court visit ID card.



Sl.No Description Page
a Order Sheet(Proceedings of the suit(Court Diary) 3
b Plaint 5
c Written Statement of D 1 7
d Written Statement of D 2 9
e Issues 12
f Particulars of documents filed by Plaintiff 15
g Particulars of documents filed by defendants 20
h List of Witness on behalf of Plaintiff 22
i List of witness on behalf of defendants 23
j Evidence

Event Calendar

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