Inorder to spread awareness about the dangers of terrorism and to reaffirm India’s commitment to combating terrorism , Anti Terrorism Day was observed at Vivekananda Law College on 30/0/2023.
Sri Ganesh Baliga and Sri Sreyas M Rao, Current Affairs alalysts gave special talks on terrorism and importance of human values.
Sri Shreyas M Rao said that Interanational terrorism is one of the serious threats to the international peace and security. Terrorist groups represent a global threat. Fighting terrorism must be our top priority.India in th epast has faced many terrorist attacks. The loophole can be seen in our judicial system itself.Judiciary is weak.Anti terror law must be developed.
Sri Ganesh Baliga pointed out that the National Anti Terorism Day aims to spread awareness about the importance of fighting terrorism and promoting peace and harmony. People should be made aware of anti social act of terrorism. The objective of the day is to promote national harmony, mitigate terrorism and unit people of all castes, creed and sex.
The Principal Smt. Akshatha A P presided over the programme. She said that
everyday we come across one terrorist act or another via news media. Terrorists create fear in the minds of the common people.To generate awareness in the country about the danger of terrorism , violence and its dangerous effect on people, society and the whole counry,giving proper education and training to yOungster is is a must.It will prevent them from joining different terrorst groups.